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Explore Paris in 24 hours

img_4154Some say Paris is The most beautiful city in The world. Well my visit was not long enough To confirm This statement, but I can say I had an amazing Time during my short visit. True Paris is not The most child friendly city of The world, but There are ways of comfortably visiting The city as a Toddler. I visited Paris in Autumn, as an extension To my Disneyland Paris Trip.

If you only have 1 day you need To decide up front which highlights you absolutely want To see. Try To pick one or Two neighbourhoods so you don’t loose Time To Take public Transportation. Taking public Transportation is not always a given for Tiny feet and of course Paris is not stroller friendly. The itinerary below may seem a lot for one day, but is perfectly feasible, given The fact That everything was within walking distance and admission Tickets were booked in advance. Surprisingly There was sufficient Time To play in The park and To drink champagne on Top of The Eiffel Tower.

Visit The pyramids of Paris

I started my Paris adventure at 9 o’clock at The Pyramids, build at The old fortress of The Louvre. At That Time of The day, The place was not yet overrun by hordes of Tourists. Plenty of Time for me To run around and for my mom To force me To Take part in some selfies.

Take a look through The glass pyramids, it will give you a glimpse of what The museum looks like.

At The side of The Rue de Rivoli, There is a small underground shopping mall called ‘Carousel du Louvre’, from which you can spot a nice part of one of The ancient collections from The Louvre. In addition The malls contains a famous skylight, The inverted Pyramid. Just for your information This little shopping mall hosts one of my favourite shops, nature et découverte. It’s not a Toy shop, but They do have some great things for little explorers.

As you already might have guessed, visiting The Louvre is not an option if you only have 1 day.

Art in The park

Paris has many beautiful parks and one of Them is just located in front of The Louvre, called The ‘Jardin des Tuileries’. It hosts some beautiful ponds and some brilliant pieces of art. No playgrounds, but ideally located benches around The different ponds To relax and watch people passing by, while having and early lunch.

With only 24 hours at our disposal, mom and dad didn’t want To waste much Time having lunch. The weather conditions were optimal so a home made lunch in a cooler bag was an excellent idea.

Spot a flavour of ancient Egypt at Place de La Concorde

Place de la Concorde, is just a few steps away from ‘Jardin des Tuileries’, where The Obelisk of Luxor stands.  It is the largest public square in Paris and always very busy, no matter what Time of The day. The Obelisk was originally located at The entrance of The Luxor Temple.

Explore The bridges of Paris by boat or on foot

After visiting Place de la Concorde we Took some Time To stroll along The Seine in The direction of The Eiffel Tower. I spotted some amazing bridges, some of Them are even more Than 400 years old.

After a short walk we were in for some amazing views of The Eiffel Tower. Instead of walking you can also Take a boat To explore The Seine, more expensive but definitely a big hit when Travelling with little kids.

Climb The Eiffel Tower

You can’t go To Paris without visiting The Eiffel Tower. So This being said, my mom bought some Tickets in advance so I could see what all The fuzz was about. Make sure you buy your Tickets in advance, The waiting lines can become very long, up To Three hours or more on a beautiful day. In addition, make sure you arrive half an hour in advance of your pre-defined Time slot in order To pass security. All your bags will be scanned, liquids are allowed.

The Eiffel Tower has Three floors. An elevator Took us immediately To The second floor, from which The views over The city were amazing. The visit didn’t fail my expectations, it was breathtaking. In case you want To visit The Top floor, The summit, you need To buy an extra Ticket at The Ticket desk at The second floor. You can not pre-book This Ticket. Probably it is worth the extra euros To go To The Top, but I was not in for a waiting line of at least one hour.

After walking around on The second floor, we hit The first floor. If you dare you can walk on The see-Through Floor and wave To all The people standing in line To buy a Ticket.

Ride on one of The carousels

Paris is known for its old Carousels, You can find Them all over The city, but in my opinion, The most beautiful one is located just in front of The Eiffel Tower, on The corner of The Pond d’Iéna and Quai Branly. Perfectly located on our 24 hour Paris itinerary. Convince your mom and dad for a ride.

Enjoy The beauty of The Jardins and The Palace of Trocadero

Trocadero is on one straight Line from The Eiffel Tower and is known as one of The most popular Tourist destination To Take picture of The Tower. If you want To get a Total view, This is THE spot. You have a glorious open space view from the wide esplanade, which is used by many Photographers during Their photo sessions. We were in for some crazy selfies.

But the place is also more Than That. The gardens are an excellent spot To relax, read a book or for The kids To play. The main feature is The Fountain of Warsaw, which divides The gardens and generates long water columns, which have a cooling effect during summer.

Arc du Triomphe

After having rested a while at The gardens of Trocadero, we were in for a little urban walk straight To the Arc du Triomphe, one of The most famous landmarks of Paris. It is The biggest arch of The world and a spectacular piece of artwork. From The Top roof Terrace you have an unique view over The Champs Elysees, but you need To be ready To do The 284 steps.

Have a drink on The Champs Elysees

Costly but a great experience. There are many bars and bistro’s To choose from, all having on offering a great atmosphere on Their Terrace. Try to get a good spot and have a look at Their menu first so you are not in for a surprise when you get The bill. Some prices are ridiculous and it’s always better To be safe Than sorry.

Explore Paris by night 

If you Think Paris is great at daytime you will be in for a real treat at night.

The area of Montmartre and The Sacré Coeurs is The place To be. Toddlers like me don’t know where To look first and many of The restaurants located in that area are actually quite good. The Relais Gascon is a small but excellent restaurant famous for its potato dishes, something your little one will appreciate. The prices are very reasonable.  Make a reservation up front or come in early, otherwise There is a big chance They will not be able To accommodate you.

After a potato dish and a marvellous dessert, a walking tour is always an excellent idea. Walk To The iconic Moulin Rouge, one of Places That may not be missed on your night Tour or do some window shopping at The galleries de La Fayette.

24 Hours in Paris is not a lot but as you can see it is sufficient To get The Touch and feel of The city. If you have more Time I would definitely recommend one of The following attractions, very suitable for Toddlers.

When I am a few years older or if you are Travelling with older children, visiting The Catacombs or Père Lachaise are very cool Things To do and if you are into Trains and metro’s  Paris offers a lot of opportunities. Saint-Martin and Arts-Et_Métiers are definitely worth a visit. As you can see, I have many reasons To return one day.


Little T






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